In Theaters 01.10.2025 or Watch at Home 03.07.2025

Oceans are the Real Continents

Directed by Tommaso Santambrogio
Film Movement
120 Minutes
Italy, Cuba
Not Rated

Three stories of migration, exile and memory develop in the Cuban town of San Antonio de los Baños, a place that time forgot. Alex and Edith, a young couple in their thirties, build their lives upon small gestures, reminisces and a deep connection amidst the nation's ruins. Milagros survives selling peanut cones on the street, spending her days listening to the radio and reading old letters. Nine-year-old best friends Frank and Alain go to school and dream of emigrating to the U.S. to become baseball players.

A “beautifully realized” and “exquisite” (The Hollywood Reporter), OCEANS ARE THE REAL CONTINENTS brilliantly captures the complexity of life in Cuba today. With striking cinematography and a remarkable cast of first-time actors, this debut feature from writer/director Tommaso Santambrogio is a “wistful and poetic journey sure to linger on in memory” (InReview Online).

Director & Cast

  • Director: Tommaso Santambrogio
  • Starring: Alexander Diego
  • Starring: Edith Ibarra
  • Starring: Frank Ernesto Lam
  • Starring: Alain Alain Alfonso González
  • Starring: Lola Amores
  • Starring: Jhon Steven Baldriche




  • "[B]eautifully realized.... Both desolate and exquisite."
    Jordan Mintzer, The Hollywood Reporter
  • "Mesmerizing... stunning.... Oceans Are the Real Continents is an ode to a wounded, wondrous country that still bleeds and loses its young to emigration."
    Patricia Boero, The Film Verdict
  • "Exquisitely realized...Santambrogio’s extraordinary cast of non-professional actors convey a lived-in, personal, and impossible to fake connection to the pleasures, struggles and intricacies of life in Cuba. "
    Carlos Aguilar,
  • "There is a ravishing kind of beauty in Tommaso Santambrogio’s lyrical triptych of contemporary Cuban life, OCEANS ARE THE REAL CONTINENTS. With black and white cinematography that privileges an exacting formalism throughout, this portrait of the island works hard to defamiliarize the very sun-dappled, colorful image of Cuba that so dominates the cultural imaginary. "
    Manuel Betancourt, Variety
  • "All three strands {of OCEANS] involve experiences of separation, a theme that Santambrogio gently counters with a circular structure...united in a gorgeous train station tableau near the end."
    Ben Kenigsberg, The New York Times
  • "[L]ikely to break your heart."
    William Repass, Slant Magazine
  • "A poetic, poignant and beautifully constructed work that is both artistically resonant and deeply moving."
    Matthew Joseph Jenner, International Cinephile Society
  • "[A] wistful and poetic journey sure to linger on in memory."
    Travis DeShong, In Review Online
  • "Oceans Are the Real Continents is a dazzling film to look at and -- better yet -- to lose yourself in."
    Zhuo-Ning Su, Awards Daily
  • "Oceans Are the Real Continents is a beautiful, bittersweet love letter to a place and a people that remain irrevocably intertwined even in separation."
    Lee Jutton, Film Inquiry
  • "Filmed with marvelous attention to subtle contrasts possible in its monochromatic palette, the frames brim with a built-in timelessness. "
    Carlos Aguilar,
  • "Santambrogio’s film... is not one of big narrative manouevres or dramatics but of the smaller ripples of emotion that ebb and flow through life with just as much impact."
    Amber Wilkinson, Eye For Film
  • "[V]isually enrapturing.... A film to be contemplated, and stored safely in your heart."
    Victor Fraga, Dirty Movies
  • "The black-and-white Oceans Are The Real Continents is subtly intoxicating. [A] meticulously crafted and absorbing film. "
    Sam Niles, The Pop Break

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